International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sciences and Engineering Technology

ISSN : 2455-4863

Volume-4 Issue-12

Applying Multi-Point Statistical Methods to Build The Facies Model for Oligocene Formation, X oil field, Cuu Long basin

Ngoc Thai Ba, Trung Phi Hoang Quang, Minh Luong Bao, Long Phan Thang

Ultramafic rock of carbonatite complex of Tiruppattur India

R. Ramasamy

Common Fixed Point in Fuzzy Metric Space

Gauri Shanker Sao

A study of Anti corrosive effects of Schiff’s Base and Murraya koenigii on mild steel in H2SO4 acid

Anuja Khed, R.K.Upadhyay

HVDC Test-Bed Designing Using Matlab/Simulink

Jamaludin, M.K.Bhaskar, Manish Parihar, Raghu Nath Singh Chouhan