International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sciences and Engineering Technology

ISSN : 2455-4863

Volume-3 Issue-5

Unique User Identification across Multiple Social Networks

Kumari Ritika R, Swati Priya Patro, Vineet Kumar, Abhishek Raj, Mrs. Jayashree B. Kulkarni

Compability of Type (A) In Hilbert Spaces

G.S.Sao, A.K.Sao,Seema Sinha, U.K.Shrivastava

Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy

Tejas Bramhecha, Pranjali Deshmukh

Sensor Node Energy Consumption and Battery State-Of-Charge for WSN

Bhumika Silam, Pranav Joshi, T. K. Zombade

Influence of Different Processing Methods on the Nutritional and Phytochemical Properties of Unripe Plantain (Musa Paradisca) and Dward Unripe Banana (Musa acuminata)

Oly-Alawuba N.M, Ukwuoma B.A

Ring fractures around Sri Lankan Island

R. Ramasamy

Optimal Unit Sizing and Cost Estimation of Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources in Microgid Environment Using Homer Software

D.Suriya Kumari, Dr.S.Kalyani

Mind-Driven Vehicle for Disabled Person using Intelligent System

Ms.Prerna B. Solanke, Ms. Smruti P. Patil, Ms. Priyanka S. Shende

Modeling of Active Crowbar Protection Scheme for Various Types of Fault in Wind Energy Conversion System using DFIG

R. Saravanakumar, Dr. S. Kalyani

Fabrication and Characterization of Aluminium 7075 - Flyash Metal Matrix Composite with Analytical Verification on Application to Aircraft Wings

M.S.Aldrin Sugin, P. Subhash, S. Ramanuj